After seeing so many articles about all white or mainly neutral design palettes for a room, it was so refreshing to come across this article in this month’s Metropolitan Home magazine all about a home that wasn’t afraid to use color, bold color! Not that those white or neutral rooms aren’t amazing and chic on their own, but living in Minnesota where half the year we look outside and see no color, those palettes seem to just add to that late winter dreariness. Adding color into a design, especially in our region, helps ensure that your home will look lively and inviting no matter what time of year it is.
Check out some of the images from Metropolitan Home magazine’s article “A Home with Fearless Color”…
Check out some of the images from Metropolitan Home magazine’s article “A Home with Fearless Color”…

…or follow this link to see the entire article
Now don’t be afraid of color - liven up your home!