Many of us have uttered this phrase often in our lives, whether it was when school was letting out for summer and the joy is plastered on school-aged children everywhere, or when you passed a playground and could hear the laughter and chatter of all the kids playing the day away while you trudge along to your office. Sigh….to be a kid again. Looking back at my childhood, I would love to be a kid again and redesign my bedroom…again! I was lucky, my parents let me decide what I wanted when it came time to redo my bedroom and what else came out of a girly third grader’s mouth, “I want pink!” Yes, my bedroom ended up being varying shades of pastel pink, and if I remember correctly the paint color was called little bo-peep pink and the carpet was bubble gum pink! If I could go back with even some of the knowledge I have now, my bedroom would’ve been something for a magazine. Now days parents are putting more into their children’s bedrooms, gone are the days where your nursery is either pastel pink or pastel blue, and gone are the days where they get you cartoon character bedding and call it good. Kid’s bedrooms now are well thought out to create fun and exciting spaces that a child and parent truly enjoy. Here are some fabulous children’s rooms…
A tiger room for this little girl gives a touch of whimsy, without going over the top.

A chic twist on the classic yellow-pink scheme really pops in this nursery.

Pirates and sailors alike would enjoy this nautical themed room. It even has sails!

Blue, white and red are a great color scheme for this boys room and will continue to grow with the child.

Bold colors and patterns create a girly scheme any tween girl would love.

This camp themed room would be a treat for a boy or girl...anyone for a picnic?

The orange accents gives this teen boys room a pop against bright blue walls.

How was your childhood bedroom decorated? Or how are your kid’s room done? I’d love to hear from you!